It all seemed to work well apart from the descent down the last glacier, where Paul seemed to burn his brakes out down the steep hill.
Recceing route up glacier snout
Lunch stop before roping up
Roping up skidoos for the glacier
Laying depot
Ready to leave depot to travel further up the glacier
Decent back down into Kalkdal
View from rear skidoo. The black pipe over rope is to stop damage should you run over it.
A bit of a stop to operations in otherwise fine weather came when a strong wind sprang up covering everything in spindrift for a couple of days. Work outside was impossible, so we spend the day in the Weather Haven. The main problem however, was the amount of spindrift piling up against the door threatening to trap us inside. It was having to be dug out every 15mins, clearly a task that needed sorting. The solution was to cover the pit by the doorway with upturned sledges forming a little cave with a small entrance with a snow cute that you had to slide down to get in.
After the wind. - Sledge roof to stop door drifting up from spindrift.

Emerging from the tunnel
Lashing the broken skidoo onto the rescue sledge.
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