Saturday 18 April 2015

Back in the saddle

I got back to Constable Point last week after a couple of weeks back in the UK. We set off next day for one of the bigger journeys of the season, taking 3 people up to the Staunings Alps area; a round trip of nearly 300 kms.

We had to go a different route from last year due to the uncertainty of the sea ice conditions. Instead of going straight to the Fuel Depot, we cut straight across to Gurreholm, a ruined scientific station. We had traveled this route in reverse last year with light loads and had great difficulty crossing some of the numerous valleys, so with full loads and a group of three, we were a bit concerned if we would make it. We also could not overnight at Sydkap due to the poor sea ice, so we were to 'bivi' in the one useable room at Gurreholm that wasn't full of snow. We also had to take 200 lts of fuel to supply us for the return trip and for the pick up in a couple of weeks time.

At the Red House where we dropped 50 lts of fuel off. We were supposed to be going with 4 skidoos so we could keep the loads on each lighter, but as we were de-icing the undercarriage in the morning we discovered a broken shock absorber.  With no spare to replace it we had to start off with heavier loads and only 3 skidoos and 3 clients .

Negotiating one of the steeper slopes in a valley that we had to cross.

Scouting the route ahead.

 One one slope my drive belt broke with a large bang, but Claire enjoyed replacing it with a spare and we were on our way in 15 minutes again.

On some of the valleys we had to cross, the skidoos with the heavier loads had to have several attempts to get up. On this one we got stuck and had to dig the skidoo out and get the sledge back to the bottom for another go.

After 8 hours on the go we reached Gurreholm and spent more time digging out the doorway and refuelling the skidoos. There were polar bear tracks all around the hut and this window which was broken, we hoped, was not big enoiugh to let one in!

Evening sunset at Gurreholm looking across Scorsbysund

Next day we were up at 6.00 am and reached the valley called Gurreholmdal by 10.00 am where our group wanted to go. Last year we had got a group 11kms up this, but this year after only 2kms we were stopped by blue ice and slush. With poor light and no contrast we were in no position to be looking for another route in, so we dropped the group here and they skied in.

 Unloading sledges before the group pack up to ski in.

 Tackling a steeper slope in poor light

The weather improved during the day which meant that following our tracks back was quite easy and with lighter loads we made good progress, getting back to CNP by 4.00pm. We saw numerous Musk Ox on the way home.

 Claire taking a rest break

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