Tuesday 31 March 2015

First Journeys

 We've had a couple of days of good weather, which allowed us out to recce some routes that we need to take clients on. The first was into a valley across the fjord called Sodal and we wanted to get to the foot of the glacier which would allow us access across Liverpool Land ans to the east coast. Normally the moraine to the glacier snout has a rocky ridge that usually bars access but this year with the amount of snow, this ridge was just a small cornice.

Skidoos at camp in early morning and -20


Moving up the slope to the rocky ridge which usually bars the way to the glacier

 Checking out the route ahead. Below our feet is the cornice; we could drive down it, but could we get back up?

Driving back up the cornice. I got stuck just here and had to find another way round for the skidoos with sledges.

Finding an alternative way round the cornice for the sledges up a small side valley.

Setting off on the next 200 km journey to North Liverpool Land. Snow conditions were good, but bad weather chased us back.

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