Saturday 28 March 2015


Claire and I arrived a few days ago to Constable Point. Paul and co. who got there the week before had done a great job setting up camp and servicing the skidoos.

Yesterday we did our first journey to get across to Sodal to try and recce a route into the valley, but had to turn back when the weather closed in. Simon's team who were to go there, still wanted to go when we got back to camp, so we turned round and took them to the valley entrance. By this time it was full blizzard and white out so we were driving on GPS and a bit of hope and got back all snowed up.

The Weatherhaven tent is now our home since we are not allowed to use the Hilton airport accommodation

Our toilet is a wooden shed, but it has heating - and WiFi!

We had a bit of a storm last night and all the skidoos got snowed up

The sleeping containers also got snowed up and the Weatherhaven door, so we all took radios to bed so we could talk in the morning to see who could actually get out. Cardboard boxes at placed at the doorway helped reduce the snow piling up against it

Digging the sledges out for the season

Dragging the sledge out of the hole with the skidoo

All the sledges and people carriers out - a good morning's work

The weather was much better today and forecast is good for tomorrow, so we are planning to get out and do some recces.

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